The Conrad Family Fun Spot

Where we document all the fun and adventures of being a Conrad.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

to blog or not to blog that is the question

Hey family! Lets share a blog?? Anyone can add photos to it. Anyone can add whatever they want. Adventure anyone???

1 comment:

meme said...

Well....I'll give it a try...:) three of the 'Conrad Girls' went to the Beth Moore conference in Jax this weekend....what a wonderful conference. I'm sure Addy will enjoy going in a 'few' years!! It sure was a great feeling for me to look around and see my two 'girls' there...Annie and Suzanne!!!:)

It sounds like Papa and Addy had a fun time together yesterday. Papa did say that he thought Addy missed 'Grammie', even if she didn't ask for me. He said she came in the house and looked all around...for me, he thinks...:) I know that they had a good time with their wagon ride and Papa's first solo eating out experience with Addy....Hardee's!!

love you, martha