The Conrad Family Fun Spot

Where we document all the fun and adventures of being a Conrad.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Esther has arrived!!!

Esther is beautiful....just as she should be with the name, Esther!! :) When I first met her, Bryan was holding her....she was awake and sucking on her thumb!!! (Just like her dad did) Suzanne was up and walking around the room....and this was just an hour after Esther arrived!! I got the call from Bryan at 7:55am, to come pick up Addy....when he told me Suzanne's contractions were 5 min apart...I suggested he call Annie....I got to their home at 8:30am...Annie helped me get Addy's stuff together and we left for 'water day' at school...I figured I had plenty of time to get to hospital before Esther's arrival , so I headed back to Newberry to finish dressing...:)
Then....Bryan called....he sounded so cool and calm....I was thinking that Suzanne must not have been as far along in labor as we had thought.....BUT....then Bryan said....'she weighs 8lb 9oz....!!!! I couldn't believe that Esther was already here!!


bryan said...

Good job on your first post!

Unknown said...

Nice post mom! :)